So many types of spoon rings  available! 

People love spoon rings  for many reasons. They're beautiful and stylish, and they can showcase a huge variety of silverware cutlery patterns in many different visual styles. They come in many different shapes and sizes, and can include custom engraving, and more. They represent ecological values of reuse and environmental stewardship. They highlight an improvisational, creative spirit. Because rings are made from old flatware pieces, they also represent a link to the past. Each piece has its own unique history, and the category of jewelry itself has a special story.

Origins of the Spoon Ring: an Act Love & of Defiance

Spoon rings are widely considered to have originated in 17th century England, when people began to make rings from the metal handles of table flatware. In those days, flatware was highly prized. The pieces were typically made of solid silver, and often displayed the family crest of the wealthy family who commissioned, owned and used the pieces.

Popular lore explains that, at that time, servants first began to create ring from the cutlery. The servants couldn't afford to buy 'proper' engagement rings when they wanted to get married. Instead, the legend goes, they would steal a flatware piece from their master's home, and shape it into a ring to give their beloved for a marriage proposal. Thus, the earliest spoon rings served as symbols of love and commitment, in defiance of strict social and economic barriers.

Spoon Ring Revival: 1960's, '70's and beyond

Spoon rings entered a new wave of popularity in the 1960's, matching the era's hippy, earthy  


Genuine Vintage Spoon Rings vs. Knockoffs

Many companies now offer rings based on classic silverware designs, to appeal to the high demand for spoon rings. Even though they may call them 'spoon rings', the larger producers typically are not using genuine flatware. Instead, they're casting new metal pieces based on the old designs. Their jewelry misses the genuine reuse.

 What are the benefits of using silver plate for eating ?

Completely Bacteria Free

Silver utensils are completely bacteria-free because silver metal does not react with other metal easily. In hospitals, you noticed that doctors advised many patients for eating food in silver utensils. Silver metal has automated anti-bacterial property through which silver utensils always bacteria-free. Small babies drink water or milk in the silver utensils because the small baby has low immunity{Less Power to fight bacteria} and silver utensils is 100 percent bacteria-free utensils. Drinking milk and water in silver utensils continuously helps to increase the child’s immunity.


Silver utensils helps you to keep your food, water, milk fresh for a long time. In another types of utensils there is a limit(30 Minutes) of food freshness but in silver utensils can keep your food fresh for 1-2 hours easily. In old-time travelers used silver utensils to keep his food fresh.

Keep Cool

Silver is cold in nature. To keep your water cold for long you can use silver utensils. In old-time when the refrigerator does not exist, People used silver utensils to keep their water cool. If you long traveler then you can be used silver utensils to keep water cool.


When you eat food in any type of utensils regularly then some tiny part of the utensils also consumes with food. If you use silver utensils then some amount of silver enters the body and you know that silver is cool in nature. This silver helps to reduce your acidity problem with cold nature. With acidity problem, it helps you to resolve the problem of digestion.

Control Anger

Silver is cool in nature. If you eat food in the silver utensils regularly then your level of the anger decreases automatically. Eating food in silver utensils for 4-5 months you find that your anger lever decreases up to 70 percent. And you can also find relief from the stress problem by daily use of silver utensils.

Boosts Metabolism & Immunity

Drinking water in the silver utensils helps you to increases your immunity and metabolism. Due to this, the chances of the flu and the common cold in winters decrease too. And if you facing also an early tired problem(Weakness) then starts using silver utensils during eating food. You can feel the results in 30-40 days only.